Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wow Look at all the High Quality MLM Leads What Now

What do I do with all the leads that I’m generating?What is my next step?I get Nail Pen these questions frequently.Online strategies when done properly, will expand your lead generation light bulbs and essentially pay you for the persons that don’t even join your opportunity but then what? If you don’t follow up on your leads, you are definitely throwing money away.It is true, to a degree, that the money is made with your follow up, but you have to be able to generate the leads in the first place and build a list of qualified applicants over time.The main purpose of Online Marketing programs, like the one I use, and the content that you market like video marketing, article marketing, social marketing etc. is to gain exposure. (You also need to gain credibility.)What is the purpose in visability? It’s not just so people will know who you are and what you do, but you want them to do business with you. People join with people, not opportunities. business with me. They are certain that I can help make them successful. (They are right, by the way.)with you. The only way that gets answered is if you call them. Just pick up the phone for goodness sakes. DO IT NOW. You need to memorize this rule — following up on hot, or even warm, client leads is always more important than marketing for more visibility. You can not, under any circumstances build your business without talking to people. PERIOD.Here's a easy quiz to take that will help you determine your focus. If you think of the online marketing and the sales process as a water hose that starts flowing and the hose then empties into your pool by continuing down the conduit that you have laid out with your sales funnel, ask yourself… where is the blockage? Your priority has always got be in moving the leads further along in the sales funnel. The Online Marketing System that I use is amazing at generating targeted leads, but if you don’t call them and move them down the line, you have a serious kink in your hose. To continue with that analogy, the pool will become stagnate. Who is up for a swim in the stagnate pool. Don’t mind that algae, really.If you have a kink in the hose, you better fix it! Is it with turning on the hose? Is the pool filling up and getting stagnate? Or maybe you are diving into the pool but getting no where. Wherever you seem to be stuck is the area that needs to be addressed. to fix it.The beauty of the systematic approach is that it will teach you how to evaluate this . These are tried and true methods that you simply need to follow. If you follow the routine, the hose will be massive and you can turn the value while you are learning and getting PAID. (That’s HUGE folks.)Don’t try to re-invent the wheel here folks. You will have to learn this, but for those that are willing to learn, this system is the way home. No question….Hope this helps and I hope to see you at the top!!David G. Heon, MD

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